Here’s your chance to dance on the Little Theatre’s epic dance floor, beloved by swing and ballet dancers alike. 6 p.m. dance lesson, 7 p.m. live music from Heather and the Bad Breaks, all on Saturday, Feb. 15.

Here’s your chance to dance on the Little Theatre’s epic dance floor, beloved by swing and ballet dancers alike. 6 p.m. dance lesson, 7 p.m. live music from Heather and the Bad Breaks, all on Saturday, Feb. 15.
The Los Alamos Little Theatre is excited to announce a table read and auditions for our May production, Copenhagen. This show is a wonderful exploration of historical characters from the Manhattan Project era.
A table read will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 6 p.m. in the Green Room of the Performing Arts Center (a.k.a. Little Theatre, 1670 Nectar St.). The reading is a great chance to familiarize yourself with the show and characters. Light refreshments will be provided.
Auditions will take place Friday, Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 8 at 1 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center. For more information, or to schedule an alternative audition time, please contact Stage Manager Kelsey Denissen (, Director Emily Stark (, or Producer Wendy Caldwell Lanchier (
If you would like to volunteer behind-the-scenes (stage crew, hair, makeup, lights, sound, etc.), contact Wendy Caldwell Lanchier (
Copies of the script will be available in the Los Alamos and White Rock public libraries.
Los Alamos Little Theatre presents Myth & Moonbows auditions
Needed: A diverse and intergenerational cast, for two one-act vignette plays.
The Myths at the Edge of the World
by Matthew Webster
by Kirk Shimano
What to Expect:
Please prepare a monologue, story excerpt, poem, or other dramatic reading 60-90 seconds long. This is generally less than ½ page of text, on Letter-sized paper in average-sized font. Memorization is not required, but your piece should be well-practiced and familiar to you.
Auditions will include a group Hokey Pokey, movement, non-singing vocal work, improvisation, and your presentation of a prepared monologue. It is also possible that we will work from the script.
Audition Requirements:
Where and When:
Open Call: Saturday, January 18 at 1:00 pm
Open Call: Sunday, January 19 at 5:00 pm
Audition Location: Main Auditorium, Performing Arts Center, 1670 Nectar Street
More Information:
If needed, individual appointments can be scheduled.
Scripts are available to study at the reference desk at Mesa Public Library and White Rock Branch Library. Note – it is not necessary to read scripts ahead of time for the read-through or auditions.
Auditioners will need to fill out an audition form and sign the LALT Code of Conduct before participating. To complete this step in advance, go to: and
For more information, please contact producer Amy Mills at
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To enrich our community through live theater productions while serving as a venue for educational and live performing arts opportunities.
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