Announcing Auditions for Romeo & Juliet

Teens and adults are invited to audition for Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” — Los  Alamos Little Theatre’s September production and 2023-2024 season opener — for, as Friar Laurence says, “this alliance may so happy prove.”
Directors Kelly Dolejsi and Eric Bjorklund will audition actors from 12-4 pm Saturday, June 10, and from 12-4 pm Sunday, June 11, at the theater, located at 1670 Nectar St. Preceding auditions, a reading of the play will be held from 6-8 pm Friday, June 9, at the theater.
Please email to schedule an audition appointment and receive sides (short sections of the script) to use at your audition. Walk-ins will also be welcome to audition, and sides will be available at the theater.
Callbacks will be held the following weekend.
The play has 25+ parts, most of which can be played by adults of any gender. There are small and large parts for a variety of ages. The play also requires a few musicians (ideally playing mandolins) with small or no speaking parts.
The directors would like teen actors to play the title roles. If you are age 13-18 and interested, please contact to schedule your audition. The directors will work with the Olions’ schedule if an actor is cast in both “Frozen” and “Romeo and Juliet.”