Myth & Moonbows auditions

Los Alamos Little Theatre presents Myth & Moonbows auditions

Needed: A diverse and intergenerational cast, for two one-act vignette plays.

The Myths at the Edge of the World 

by Matthew Webster

Moonbow Miraculous 

by Kirk Shimano

What to Expect:

Please prepare a monologue, story excerpt, poem, or other dramatic reading 60-90 seconds long. This is generally less than ½ page of text, on Letter-sized paper in average-sized font. Memorization is not required, but your piece should be well-practiced and familiar to you.

Auditions will include a group Hokey Pokey, movement, non-singing vocal work, improvisation, and your presentation of a prepared monologue. It is also possible that we will work from the script.

Audition Requirements:

  • Minors under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to sign paperwork. 
  • Everyone should be prepared to provide a schedule of time conflicts from now through March, as part of the audition paperwork. (Please bring your calendar, if needed!)
  • COVID and other viral precautions are encouraged and appreciated.

Where and When:

Open Call:  Saturday, January 18 at 1:00 pm

Open Call: Sunday, January 19 at 5:00 pm

Audition Location: Main Auditorium, Performing Arts Center, 1670 Nectar Street

More Information:

If needed, individual appointments can be scheduled.

Scripts are available to study at the reference desk at Mesa Public Library and White Rock Branch Library. Note – it is not necessary to read scripts ahead of time for the read-through or auditions.

Auditioners will need to fill out an audition form and sign the LALT Code of Conduct before participating. To complete this step in advance, go to: and

For more information, please contact producer Amy Mills at