Murder at the Lone Elm by Miles Ledoux
Special Performance New Year’s Eve at 7:30pm
January 4–20, 2019
Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 pm • Matinee Sunday, Jan. 20 at 2:00 pm
All performances at the Performing Arts Center, 1670 Nectar St., Los Alamos
When a guest at the Lone Elm Inn falls down the stairs to his death, the head of hotel security suspects foul play. She rounds up the most likely suspects and tries to determine “whodunit” before the killer claims more victims. Murder at the Lone Elm is an interactive murder mystery in which the audience gets to help hotel security try to figure out who is murdering people at the Lone Elm Inn.

Cast & Crew: At top, standing, from left are actors Terry Beery, Cassandra Bowman, Shashi Charles, Matthew Waller, Spook Kellum, Aaron Waller, Joey Robinson (stage manager), Trish Ebberts (assistant director), Teresa Bradford and Alex L’Esperance. At bottom, kneeling or sitting, from left are Miles Ledoux (writer and director), Megan Pimentel, Gwen Lewis and John Gustafson (producer). Photos by Larry Gibbons.