Los Alamos Little Theatre has a variety of rental options available to the local performing arts community. The Performing Arts Center is available to rent for your next event. We also rent costumes, props, and furniture.
PAC Rental
The PAC is available for rental to performing arts groups, subject to availability.
Rental Contact: contact@lalt.org

The Performing Arts Center (PAC) is a Los Alamos County facility managed and operated by the Los Alamos Little Theatre (LALT) since 1973. The building was constructed in 1943 and served as the East Mess Hall during the Manhattan Project. After the war it was converted into a recreation hall. In 1971, when the County planned to tear the building down, LALT recognized its potential as a small theatre and convinced the County to allow it convert the building into a performing arts center. The PAC opened in January 1973 with a production of the melodrama Ten Nights in a Barroom. Since 1973 LALT has staged over 230 local productions in the PAC. It has hosted New Mexico AACTFest state-wide theater festivals, most recently in 2013 and 2003, and again in 2019. The building is a part of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park walking tour.
- Flexible, configurable auditorium seating of up to 150+ patrons
- Full stage with theatrical lighting and sound systems.
- Lobby area with ticket booth and restrooms.
- Control booth located at the rear of the auditorium.
- Green room, makeup room, and two dressing rooms
- Shop area, flats storage, and tool room located behind the stage.
- Kitchen and office.
- Props, costumes, lights, and furniture storage rooms.

PAC Floor Plans
Costume, Prop, and Furniture Rental